Friday, 12 June 2009

Rubbing salt into my O2 inflicted iPhone 3GS wounds

I received this email from Apple this morning inviting me to purchase the iPhone 3GS from my nearest Apple Store next week, which was a bit like rubbing salt into the wounds.

iPhone 3GS first unboxing pics - from China of course

[Update 12:13 BST 13 June]
MacRumors has updated its post on what were thought to be the first unboxing pics. The site's been asked to pull the pics.
Update: The original images have been pulled and we've been nicely asked to remove them for now.
The chinese version of Engadget has posted the first iPhone 3G S unboxing pictures, and naturally the originate from the workshop of the world - China. I want at 3GS now but O2 won't let me upgrade without having to shell out a small fortune - arghhhhhhh

O2 MMS service for iPhone turned on then turned off

Not sure what's going on with O2's MMS for iPhone. A friend of mine who updated to 3.0 today tried activating by sending a text to 1010 and got the reply that it wasn't up and running yet, although I am still able to use the service, which I set up yesterday - see screenshot. The weird and wonderful world of O2