Thursday, 18 June 2009

O2 put to shame by US carrier's extension of 3G S upgrade eligibility to more customers

AT&T is bringing forward update dates for its customers. Any chance O2 might do the same thing? I guess we better not hold our breath...

AT&T's new policy:
"All of that said, we've been listening to our customers. And since many of our iPhone 3G customers are early adopters and literally weeks shy of being upgrade eligible due to iPhone 3G S launching 11 months after iPhone 3G, we're extending the window of upgrade eligibility for a limited time.

We're now pleased to offer our iPhone 3G customers who are upgrade eligible in July, August or September 2009 our best upgrade pricing, beginning Thursday, June 18."


  1. Price you might have expected to buy a new iPhone 32Gb 3GS for = $299 = £180 + VAT = £207

    Cost to buy a new iPhone 32Gb 3GS from O2 on PAYG = £538

    Price I got for my old iPhone 3G 16Gb on eBay = £324

    Total net price I paid for my new iPhone 32Gb 3GS = £214

    O2 "tax" = £7

    All adds up to... stop complaining!!



  2. I spoke too soon. I actually got £345 for my iPhone. So as an existing iPhone 3G owner, I got my iPhone 3GS for LESS than the headline USA price of $299 and LESS than I would have paid as a new customer if I'd picked the £35pm tariff and the 18 month contract length.

    I encourage you to do the same as me! :-D


